FWIW my % in both my leagues are way down at 55 yrds+.
My nukes have an older kicker, and who knows what RE: progress right now.. Grrr. It'l come.
That said, my beta team finally in week 8 took a FG at 51 yrds, The previous longest attempt was 41, and my MISC is set at 56-58 yrds. Just kinda weird and I admittedly have not gone into the .csv's for my beta team at the depths i'd like to, including FG attempts by average ball placement.
I guess my point is that I have seen FGs being abnormal for all 3 of my teams within their current season relative to their previous seasons by year, and by average success rate by distance, and I concur with the OP.
Last edited at 8/24/2020 7:30 pm