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League Forums

Main - League Matchmaking

2 Openings in Private 75

By Mr.Krazy
11/15/2017 1:19 am
Tired of effortlessly winning against multitudes of AI Teams or inactive owners? Looking for a challenge in a very competitive and active league? Look no further than the very first Private league ever made!

The Seven-Five is in need of active and competitive owners that are willing to take over teams itching to progress into the post season. We currently have two openings in the Continental Football Conference (CFC) and are in the midst of Early Free Agency.

San Diego Lightning:

Pyongyang Volunteers:

Having consistent success and some forum activity can earn you a role in the best league out there! Join one of the more challenging and entertaining leagues in MFN before the draft begins on the 19th.

PM me if you are interested in joining the Seven-Five today!